[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 640

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Wed Apr 27 15:31:29 EDT 2011

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 640                                      2011 Apr 27  Somerville, MA, USA

Note: Thanks to Luigi Morielli and Bohdan Zograf for the Italian and Belorussian
translations of JSR, see http://planet4589.org/space/jsr/trans.html

Shuttle and Station

Kounotori-2 was unberthed from Harmony at 1343 UTC on Mar 28 and released
at 1546 UTC. It was deorbited at 0244 UTC on Mar 30 and reentered the
atmosphere over the South Pacific at 0309 UTC.

Soyuz TMA-21 (spacecraft No. 231) was launched on Apr 4, carrying
astronauts Aleksandr Samokutyaev (Roskosmos, commander), Andrey
Borisenko (Roskosmos, flight engineer 1),  and Ron Garan (NASA, flight
engineer 2). Samokutyaev is a Russian air force pilot, and Borisenko is
a former RKK Energiya engineer; both are making their first flight.
Garan previously flew on STS-124. Borisenko will become the Expedition
28 commander later in the mission. Soyuz TMA-21 docked at the Poisk
module at 2309 UTC on Apr 6. 

The Progress M-09M cargo ship undocked from the Pirs module on Apr 22 at
1141 UTC and was deorbited over the Pacific on Apr 26. The Johannes
Kepler ATV is docked at the Zvezda module, and Soyuz TMA-20 at Rassvet.

Progress M-10 (spacecraft No. 410) was launched on Apr 27 to deliver
cargo to the Station.


The Messenger probe is now in orbit around the planet Mercury. The orbit
insertion burn began at 0045 UTC Mar 18 and was completed at 0100 UTC.
The planned orbit is 200 x 15193 km with perigee over 60 deg N.
According to SpaceflightNow, actual orbit is 207 x 15261 km, inclined
82.5 deg to Mercury's equator (I note that the data in JPL's Horizons
database appears to need an update).


The Stardust probe, launched in 1999, was switched off on Mar 24,
following its recent flyby of comet 9P/Tempel 1.


The FASTRAC 1 and 2 satellites ("Sara Lily" and "Emma") were separated
on Mar 22. The second satellite has been cataloged as 2010-62M, USA 228/FAST 2.


A Beidou navigation satellite was launched on Apr 9.
The Chinese defense ministry referred to it as 'di ba ke beidou daohang weixing'
(Beidou Navigation Satellite 8) while the CALT launch organization
called it 'beidou er hai weixing'  (Beidou 2 satellite). I will refer
to it as BDW 8 (Beidou Daohang Weixing 8), a satellite in the Beidou-2
series (i.e. 2nd generation). The satellite was injected into
a 192 x 34892 km x 55.1 deg transfer orbit and then
entered an inclined geosynchronous orbit of 35694 x 35870 km x 55.3 deg
at 2048 UTC on Apr 13.


United Launch Alliance's Atlas V flight AV-027, an Atlas V 411 model,
was launched from Vandenberg on Apr 15 with the NRO Launch 34 payload.
Analyst Ted Molczan suggested that the payload is likely to be
a naval ocean surveillance satellite cluster; these clusters operate
in 1100 km circular orbits with 63 deg inclination and carry
equipment to track ships and aircraft via their radio transmissions.
Two payloads of similar size are placed in orbit and both maneuver to
stationkeep relative to one another; however one of the two is
cataloged by the US as `debris', apparently in a feeble attempt at
misdirection. Both payloads from the Apr 15 launch were observed
by hobbyists on Apr 18 in a 1015 x 1207 km x 63.4 deg orbit.

The Centaur AV-027 second stage was deorbited during the first Earth
revolution after deploying the USA 229 main payload and its companion.


India's PSLV-C16 placed the 1200 kg Resourcesat-2 imaging satellite
in polar orbit on Apr 20. Two small satellites were also deployed: ISRO's
IMS-1A Youthsat with experiments to study solar-terrestrial relationships,
and the X-Sat from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, carrying
a 10-meter-resolution multispectral imager.

The satellites are in 800 x 820 km x 98.8 deg orbits.
Resourcesat-2 carries the LISS-4 camera, a
6-meter-resolution imager, which will be used for both military
reconnaissance and civilian remote sensing. It also carries the lower
resolution LISS-3 (23m resolution) and  AWIFS (56m resolution), and an
AIS payload for Comdev of Canada. (AIS is the Automatic Identification
System for tracking ships at sea).


An Ariane 5ECA placed two communications satellites in geostationary
transfer orbit on Apr 22. Yahsat 1A is an Astrium Eurostar 3000
with a C- and Ku-band payload for Al Yah Satellite Communications Co.
of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It will be stationed at 52.5E
over the Indian Ocean. Intelsat New Dawn is an Orbital Star 2,
also with a C/Ku hybrid payload, and will be stationed at 32.8E for
coverage of Africa. It is owned by New Dawn Satellite Co. Ltd., a joint
venture of Intelsat S.A. (UK) and Convergence Partners (Johannesburg,
South Africa); New Dawn Satellite Co. Ltd. is registered in Port Louis,
Mauritius (as is RASCOMStar QAF, another regional African satellite operator).

Suborbital launches

Iran launched a Kavoshgar sounding rocket on Mar 15, and a TEXUS
microgravity payload was flown from the ESRANGE in Kiruna, Sweden on Mar
29. The University of Colorado's second calibration flight for SDO's EVE
instrument was flown on Mar 23; this was the 14th flight of the LASP/CU
solar EUV payload. The Russian Navy flew reentry vehicles (probably four
of them) aboard a Sineva missile from the Ekaterinburg submarine in the
Barents Sea to the Kura target area in Kamchatka on Apr 27. On Apr 15
an LV-2 rocket, based on the Trident I missile, was flown from
Kwajalein atoll towards Hawaii carrying a target for the Aegis SM-3 
interceptor system.

       (1) Thanks to Markus Dolensky for pointing out the correct URL
  for the UN registry site, www.oosa.unvienna.org

        (2) Thanks to Phillip Clark for pointing out that in JSR 539 in Nov 2004,
I suggested a clearly bogus orbital inclination of 51.8 deg for
the suborbital Soyuz-2-1a test flight. I suspect the true orbit was
was probably (-200 to -100) x (150 to 250) km x 82.5 deg, but 
(40 to 60) x (150 to 250) km x 62.8 deg is also plausible. (Actual data
from my Russian friends would be welcome.)

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle  Site            Mission    INTL.  
Feb  1 1400   Geo-IK-2 No. 11   Rokot              Plesetsk LC133/3 Geodetic   05A
Feb  6 1226   USA 225 (RPP 1)   Minotaur I         Vandenberg SLC8  Tech       06A
Feb 16 2151   Johannes Kepler   Ariane 5ES         Kourou ELA3      Cargo      07A
Feb 24 2153   Discovery STS-133 Space Shuttle      Kennedy LC39A    Spaceship  08A
Feb 26 0307   Glonass-K No. 11  Soyuz-2-1B         Plesetsk LC43/4  Navigation 09A
Mar  4 1009   Glory  )          Taurus XL 3110     Vandenberg 576E  Climate    F01
              E1P    )                                              Sci        F01
              Hermes )                                              Tech       F01
              KySat-1)                                              Tech       F01
Mar  5 2246   OTV-2 F1          Atlas V 501        Canaveral SLC41  Spaceplane 10A
Mar 11 2338   USA 227           Delta 4M+(4,2)     Canaveral SLC37  Comms?     11A
Mar 22 1135   Fastrac 2                            Fastrac 1, LEO   Tech       62M
Apr  4 2218   Soyuz TMA-21      Soyuz-FG           Baykonur LC1     Spaceship  12A
Apr  9 2047   Beidou DW8        Chang Zheng 3A     Xichang          Nav        13A
Apr 15 0424   USA 229 P/L 1 )   Atlas V 411        Vandenberg SLC3E Sigint     14A
              USA 229 P/L 2 )                                       Sigint     14B
Apr 20 0442   Resourcesat 2 )   PSLV               Sriharikota FLP  Imaging    15A
              Youthsat      )                                       Science    15B
              X-Sat         )                                       Imaging    15C
Apr 22 2137   Yahsat 1         ) Ariane 5 ECA      Kourou ELA3      Comms      16A
              Intelsat New Dawn)                                    Comms      16B
Apr 27 1305   Progress M-10M    Soyuz-U            Baykonur LC1     Cargo      17A
Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site            Mission    Apogee/km

Mar  1 2100   8 x Mk 5 RV      Trident D-5        USS Nevada, Pacific Test        1000?
Mar  2 1340   Patriot Target   Juno               Fort Wingate        Target       100?
Mar 15        Kavoshgar-4      Kavoshgar          Iran                R&D          120
Mar 16        ARAV-B Target    Terrier Oriole     Kauai               Target       150?
Mar 23 1750   NASA 36.275UE    Black Brant IX     White Sands         Solar EUV    250?
Mar 29 0501   TEXUS 49         VSB-30             Kiruna              Micrograv    268
Apr 15 0652   FTM-15 Target    LV-2               Meck Island         Target      1000?
Apr 15 0703   FTM-15 KV        SM-3               USS O'Kane, Kauai?  Interceptor  150?
Apr 27        4 x RV           Sineva             K-84, Barents Sea   Op. Test    1000?

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |  phone : (617) 495-7176            |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |          jcm at cfa.harvard.edu       |
|                                                                         |
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