[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 654

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Sat Feb 18 15:35:06 EST 2012

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 654                                       2012 Feb 18  Somerville, MA USA

Space Station

Expedition 30 continues with Soyuz TMA-22 docked at Poisk and Soyuz
TMA-03M docked to the Rassvet module. At about 0h on Feb 12 a switching
unit reset on the truss cut off power to solar array 3B and to one of
the Z1 control gyros; the systems were restored later that day.

Flight Engineer-3 Kononenko and FE-1 Shkaplerov made a spacewalk from
the Pirs module on Feb 16 using suits Orlan-MK No. 4 and No. 6
respectively. They relocated the `Strela' GStM-1 crane from Pirs to
Poisk and installed the Vinoslivost materials exposure experiment.
Installation of some SMDP space debris protection panels on Zvezda was
deferred to a later occasion because the crane move took longer than
expected. The Pirs airlock was depressurized from 1408 to 2049 UTC
(6hr41min) and the hatch was open from 1431 to 2046 UTC (6h15min). At
1904 UTC the MLI cover for the Poisk Strela baseplate was jettisoned
into orbit; it has not yet been cataloged.

Book Note  - "Rockets and People"

The fourth and final volume of Boris Chertok's memoirs, with a
NASA-sponsored English translation edited by Asif Siddiqi, has now been
published. This volume covers the Soviet side of the race to land humans
on the Moon, with inside stories of the N-1/L-3 launch attempts.
All four volumes are highly recommended.

Iranian satellite

Iran reports that it has launched the Navid-e Elm-o Sanat satellite into
low orbit on Feb 3. It carries a panchromatic imager, possibly developed
by the Iranian Univ. of Sci. and Technology (IUST, or in Persian,
Daneshgah Elm-o Sanat Iran), Tehran. Another report says that the
satellite was built by Tehran's  Sharif University of Technology
(Daneshgah-e Sanati-ye Sharif).

The satellite's name means something like "Promise (Herald, Gospel, Good
News, Harbinger)  of Science and  Technology".

Orbital data from US tracking shows Navid and the Safir second stage
rocket in a 275 x 374 km x 56.0 deg orbit, and analysis indicates
a launch at around 0004 UTC on Feb 3.


ESA's new small satellite launch vehicle, Vega, made its first flight
successfully on Feb 13.

Vega has three solid motor stages, P80FW, Zefiro 23, and the Zefiro 9A
third stage. The Zefiro stages are built by Avio spA of Colleferro,
Italy. Avio's main space motor plant was  originally the Bombrini Parodi
Delfino explosives factory (1912-1994) and later part of Fiat
(1994-2003); I believe their first space motor was a communications
satellite apogee motor built for the Europa rocket and later used for
ESA's Geos-1. A Ukrainian-built RD-869 engine is used in the Avio fourth
stage, the Attitude and Vernier Upper Module (AVUM), which uses liquid
propellants (UDMH/N2O4). P80FW is  developed by the Europropulsion joint
venture (Avio plus France's SNECMA). The overall launch vehicle is
produced by ELV SpA, a joint venture of Avio and the Italian space
agency ASI.

The LARES 'Laser Relativity Satellite' is the primary payload. The 390
kg, 0.38m dia. tungsten sphere studded with 92 laser retroreflectors
will be used as a test particle to probe relativistic effects in the
Earth's gravitational field. Stefan Barensky informs me that LARES is
claimed to have the lowest ballistic coefficient of any satellite
launched to date (this means its orbit will be very stable); I estimate
the BC is around  0.0011 m**2/kg but would be interested to hear other

The next largest payload is AlmaSat-1, a 12.5 kg student satellite
from the University of Bologna, which will test a cold gas microthruster system
and the platform for a future Earth observing satellite.

The Lares Support System, attached to the AVUM, can be considered an
additional payload, as it includes extensive instrumentation to monitor
the launch. It also deployed seven 1U Cubesats from three P-POD
deployers. P-POD 1 contained XaTcobeo, from the University of Vigo;
`e-st at r' from the Politecnico di Torino; and ROBUSTA from the
Universite' de Montpellier 2. P-POD 2 ejected MaSat-1 from the Budapest
University of Technology and Economics; Goliat from the University of
Bucharest; and PW-Sat-1 from the Warsaw Inst. of Technology
(Politechnika Warszawska). P-POD 3 carried UNICubeSat-GG, from U. Roma
La Sapienza, which has a gravity gradient experiment.

The Vega booster took off from the Ensemble de Lancement Vega (ELV) at
Kourou and headed northeast. The Zefiro 9A third stage burnt out at 1005
UTC and entered a marginal orbit (one estimate is around -30 x  775 km;
another solution from the limited data available is around 50-60 km x
250-500 km; I asked ESA but they haven't responded yet). The stage
probably reentered at first perigee at around 1112 UTC south of New
Zealand, and has not been cataloged. The AVUM stage first burn was
completed at 1008 UTC and probably reached an orbit of around 180 x 1450
km (ESA have not annouced the details of the ascent trajectory). At 1048
UTC the AVUM second burn began and resulted in a 1435 x 1452 km x 69.5
deg orbit; LARES was released into this orbit at 1055 UTC. At 1106-1110
UTC AVUM's third burn lowered the perigee resulting in an orbit of
around 310 x 1441 km. At  1110 UTC the three P-PODs released their
cargo. Finally at 1111 UTC AlmaSat was ejected, and the AVUM vented its
remaining propellant, ending up in a 272 x 1431 km x 69.5 km orbit.


The SES-4 satellite was launched on Feb 14 aboard an ILS Proton from
Baykonur. The 6180 kg Loral-1300 spacecraft will replace NSS 7 at 22 West.
The satellite is owned by SES Satellite Leasing (UK) and will be transferred
to SES World Skies (based in the Hague) once in its target orbit.
The Briz-M stage reached a 3640 x 35762 km x 24.5 deg orbit; by Feb 17
SES-4 was in an 8946 x 35759 km x 13.4 deg.

Suborbital launches

Armadillo Aerospace launched its LOX/ethanol STIG-A rocket from New Mexico's
Spaceport America on Jan 28, reaching the edge of space at 82 km.

The Swedish SSC agency's MASER 12 microgravity payload
made a suborbital flight from the ESRANGE site at Kiruna, Sweden,
using a Brazilian VSB-30 rocket launched from the old Skylark launch
tower first used in 1968.

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle  Site            Mission    INTL.  
Jan  9 0317   ZY-3        )     Chang Zheng 4B     Taiyuan           Imaging   01A
              Vesselsat 2 )                                          Comms     01B
Jan 13 0056   FY-2(07)          Chang Zheng 3A     Xichang           Weather   02A
Jan 20 0038   WGS 4             Delta 4M+(5,4)     Canaveral SLC37B  Comms     03A
Jan 24 2318   Chibis-M          -                  PM-13M, LEO       Science   62C
Jan 25 2306   Progress M-14M    Soyuz-U            Baykonur LC1      Cargo     04A
Feb  3 0004?  Navid             Safir              Semnan            Imaging   05A
Feb 13 1000   LARES   )         Vega               Kourou ELV        Geodesy   06A
              Almasat )                                              Tech      06B
              XaTcobeo )                                             Tech      06
              ROBUSTA  )                                             Tech      06
              e-st at r   )                                             Tech      06
              Goliat   )                                             Tech      06
              PWSat-1  )                                             Tech      06
              MaSat-1  )                                             Tech      06
              UNICubeSat-GG )                                        Tech      06
              LARES Support Sys)                                     Tech      06K
Feb 14 1936   SES-4              Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur LC200/39 Comms     07A

Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site                   Mission    Apogee/km

Jan 11 1325   NASA 12.074GT    Terrier Malemute   Wallops             Test         500?
Jan 12 1451   S-520-26         S-520              Uchinoura           Atm Sci      298
Jan 28 1815   STIG-A-III       STIG-A             Spaceport America   Test          82
Feb 10 0440   Target           Prithvi            Chandipur           Target       100
Feb 13 0932   MASER 12         VSB-30             ESRANGE             Micrograv    260

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |  phone : (617) 495-7176            |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |          jcm at cfa.harvard.edu       |
|                                                                         |
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