[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 677

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Thu Apr 18 14:51:14 EDT 2013

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 677                                             2013 Apr 18    Somerville, MA USA

International Space Station

Expedition 35 continues with astronauts  Hadfield, Romanenko and Marshburn.
Ferry ship Soyuz TMA-07M is at Rassvet; cargo ship Progress M-18M is at the Pirs module.
Progress M-17M undocked from Zvezda at 1202 UTC on Apr 15 and is carrying out Radar-Progress
ionospheric tests.

Soyuz TMA-08M was launched at 2043 UTC on Mar 28, carrying Pavel Vinogradov,
Aleksandr Misurkin and Chris Cassidy. It is spacecraft Soyuz TMA-M No. 708, on
ISS flight 34S. The craft docked with the Poisk module at 0228 UTC Mar 29.

The most rapid flights from Earth surface to successful docking in Earth orbit have been:
 Soyuz 7K-OK No. 7      0:46   (Kosmos-213)
 Soyuz 7K-OK No. 5      1:17   (Kosmos-188)
 Gemini 11              1:34:16
 Gemini 12              3:46
 Progress M-16M         5:43:30
 Soyuz TMA-08M          5:44 ish?
 Progress M-17M         5:52:22
 Progress M-18M         5:52:31
 Gemini 10              5:52:36
 Gemini   8             6:33:16
 Skylab SL-4            8:01
 Skylab SL-3            8:21
 Skylab SL-2            8:50  


NASA has announced the discovery of Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f,  the
second and third Earth/super-Earth-sized planets found in the 'habitable zone' of
their parent star. (Most of my readers are currently on living the first
Earth-size planet found in its star's habitable zone). Kepler-62e is 1.6 
Earth radii (Re) and Kepler-62f is only 1.4 Re. (In addition, a
super-Venus, Kepler-69c, is reported.)

The Kepler space telescope is in a 0.98 x 1.05 AU x 0.5 deg solar orbit.
On Apr 18 it was trailing Earth by 25.2 deg at a distance of 3.7 minutes.

One of the challenges for Kepler is to confirm that its planet
candidates are really planets. Postdoc Francois Fressin developed the
Blender code to validate whether Kepler signals are planets or fakes
from a blend of eclipsing binary stars - this was first used to confirm
the 2.2-Earth-radius planet Kepler-10c in 2011. Fressin was also involved
in the discovery of the first Earth-sized Kepler planets.

The planet Kepler-22b, announced in Dec 2011, was the first transiting exoplanet
in its star's habitable zone but it is over twice the linear size of Earth
and may be a mini-Neptune class planet.

A paper submitted to Science with Kepler mission lead Bill Borucki
as first author reports analysis of a new Kepler system, Kepler-62,
with multiple planets including two Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone.
Fressin's analysis confirmed that the candidate planets were real.

Theorist Lisa Kaltenegger of Heidelberg has studied the extent of the
habitable zone around stars and the structure of the atmospheres of
Earths, super-Earths, waterworlds and mini-Neptunes. Kaltenegger's
paper, with Dimitar Sasselov and  grad student Sarah Rugheimer, shows
that Kepler-62e and 62f could be Type I ocean planets, waterworlds made
mostly of H2O. (Earth's *surface* is water but water is only 0.02
percent of Earth's total bulk mass).


Orbital's Antares rocket's first launch attempt was scrubbed on Apr 17
and will be rescheduled. If successful its first stage will be the first
liquid rocket launch from Wallops to space since 1974.

I reviewed the success rate of new launch vehicles since 1999, separating countries just
starting their space capabilitiy, largely new LVs for experienced countries,
and major upgrades of existing LVs for experienced countries. I then scored the
first launch, the first three launches, and all launches so far (with some partial
successes given fractional success values). Here are the results:

         First First 3  All
====  Countries just starting ====
KT-1       0.00  0.00    0.00   0/ 2
Naro-1     0.00  0.33    0.33   1/ 3
Safir      0.00  0.67    0.50   3/ 6 ?
Unha       0.00  0.33    0.33   1/ 3  
VLS        0.00  0.00    0.00   0/ 3  (including static explosion)
Subtotal   0.00          0.29   5/17

====  New LVs for experienced countries ====
Zenit-3SL  1.00  0.66    0.93   39/42
Vega       1.00  1.00    1.00    1/1  (only 1 so far)
Atlas 5    1.00  1.00    0.99   28.75/29
Delta 4    1.00  1.00    1.00   15/ 15  
Delta 4H   0.45  0.82    0.91   5.45/6
Falcon 1   0.00  0.00    0.40   2/5   
Falcon 9   1.00  1.00    0.97   4.85/5
GSLV       0.80  0.93    0.54   3.8 / 7
Minotaur1  1.00  1.00    1.00   10/10
Minotaur4  1.00  1.00    1.00   3/3  
Subtotal   0.83  0.77    0.92   112.85/123

======  LV major upgrades for experienced countries ===
Proton-M   1.00  1.00    0.94   60.1/64 (5 partial failures, 1 total)
Soyuz-FG   1.00  1.00    1.00   43/43
Soyuz-2-1A 1.00  1.00    0.98   13.75/14
Soyuz-2-1B 1.00  1.00    0.89   8/9
Atlas 3    1.00  1.00    1.00   6/6
Ariane5ECA 0.00  0.67    0.98   39/40    
CZ-3C      1.00  1.00    1.00   10/10  
H-IIA      1.00  1.00    0.95   21/22
H-IIB      1.00  1.00    1.00   3/3   
Subtotal   0.89  0.96    0.97   203.85/211

Total total              0.92   321.7/351
(only LVs with first flight after 1999)  

Dragon CRS-2

The Dragon cargo ship began its return to Earth on Mar 26. At 0810 UTC
Dragon was unberthed from the Harmony nadir CBM port using the SSRMS
arm. The SSRMS released Dragon at 1056 UTC. At 1542 UTC the Dragon's
Draco thrusters fired for 9min 59s to change velocity by an unknown
amount (probably around 120-150 m/s) and lower perigee into the
atmosphere. The Dragon trunk was jettisoned at 1555 UTC and the reentry
vehicle passed through nominal atmosphere entry interface at 1614 UTC.
The parachutes lowered Dragon to the Pacific Ocean, with splashdown
around 30.52N 120.04W (according to reported positions of the recovery
vessel American Islander) at about 1635 UTC.

Satmex 8

The Proton/Briz-M returned to flight on Mar 26 with the launch of Satmex
8. The first four Briz-M burns raised the orbit from -495 x 171 km x
51.6 deg to 173 x 173 km x 51.6 deg, 270 x 5000 km x 50.3 deg, 330 x
18016 km and 425 x 35799 km x 49.1 deg. A fifth burn at 0358 UTC Mar 27
placed the satellite in a high perigee  6118 x 35824 km x 18.4 deg
transfer orbit and was followed by spacecraft separation at 0420 UTC.
The Briz-M disposal burn lowered the discarded stage to 5932 x 34126 km;
the DTB drop tank was jettisoned into the 330 x 18016 km intermediate

The 5500 kg Satmex-8 communications satellite was built by SS/Loral for
Satelites Mexicanos SA de CV.

According to a Baykonur veterans blog at georg071941.ru, vehicle Proton-M 93536/Briz-M 99536
was used for this launch.

Anik G-1

Another Proton, no. 93537/Briz No. 99538, put the Canadian Anik G-1
satellite in orbit on Apr 15. The Loral 1300 satellite carries Ku, C and
X-band communications payloads for Telesat.

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission    INTL.  

Feb  1 0656   Intelsat IS-27     Zenit-3SL        SL Odyssey, Pacific Comms     F01
Feb  6 1604   Globalstar M078 )  Soyuz-2-1A        Baykonur LC31/6   Comms      05A
              Globalstar M093 )                                      Comms      05B
              Globalstar M094 )                                      Comms      05C
              Globalstar M095 )                                      Comms      05D
              Globalstar M096 )                                      Comms      05E
              Globalstar M097 )                                      Comms      05F
Feb  7 2136   Amazonas 3       ) Ariane 5ECA       Kourou ELA3       Comms      06A
              Azerspace        )                                     Comms      06B
Feb 11 1441   Progress M-18M     Soyuz-U           Baykonur          Cargo      07A
Feb 11 1802   Landsat 8          Atlas V 401       Vandenberg SLC3E  Imaging    08A
Feb 25 1231   SARAL       )                                         Altimeter   09A
              Sapphire    )                                         SpSur       09C
              NEOSSat     )      PSLV-CA           Sriharikota     Astron/SpSur 09D
              UniBRITE    )                                         Astronomy   09G
              TUGSAT-1    )                                         Astronomy   09F
              AAUSAT3     )                                         Ship nav    09B
              STRaND-1    )                                          Tech       09E
Mar  1 1510   Dragon CRS-2       Falcon 9          Canaveral SLC40   Cargo      10A
Mar 19 2121   SBIRS GEO-2        Atlas V 401       Canaveral SLC41  Early Warn  11A
Mar 26 1907   Satmex 8           Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur LC200/39 Comms      12A
Mar 28 2043   Soyuz TMA-08M      Soyuz-FG          Baykonur LC1/5   Spaceship   13A
Apr 15 1836   Anik G-1           Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur LC200/39 Comms      14A

Suborbital launches

Pakistan and India carried out missile tests in early April; China launched a sounding
rocket with a barium release from Hainan. Germany launched a Brazilian VSB-30 from Sweden
with a TEXUS microgravity experiment payload.

Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site                   Mission    Apogee/km

Feb  7 0821   NASA 49.001UE    T-T Oriole N.       Poker Flat        Auroral      754
Feb 13 0910   ARAV-B Target    Terrier Oriole      Kauai             Target       150?
Feb 13 0915?  FTM-20 KV        Aegis SM-3          CG-20, Pacific    Interceptor  150?
Feb 15        NASA 41.104GT    Terrier Imp Orion   White Sands       Tech         130?
Feb (many)    Julan RV?        Scud              An Nasriyah, Syria  Weapon        80?
Feb 25 0600?  Arrow KV         Arrow 3           Palmachim?          Interceptor  100?
Mar 11 0610?  Shark            Terrier Lynx        Wallops I         Target       300?
Apr  4 2155   Kunpeng-1        Tianying-3E         Hainan            Ionosphere   191
Apr  7 0455   Agni RV          Agni 2              Wheeler I.        Op. Test     200?
Apr 10        Haft-IV RV       Shaheen 1           Somniani?         Op. Test     100?
Apr 12 0425   TEXUS 50         VSB-30              Kiruna            Micrograv    261

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |  phone : (617) 495-7176            |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |          jcm at cfa.harvard.edu       |
|                                                                         |
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