[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 827

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.com
Fri Dec 15 18:24:13 EST 2023

Jonathan's Space Report
No. 827                                                      2023 Dec 15       Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 70 continues.

The Dextre robot arm installed the AWE payload on Express Logistics Carrier 1 (ELC-1)
Site 3 on Nov 18.  Meanwhile, the STP-H5 payload was relocated from
ELC-1 to ELC-3 on Nov 17.

The Progress MS-23 cargo ship undocked from the Poisk module at 0755 UTC Nov 29,
fired its engines for the deorbit burn at 1102 UTC, and reentered east of New Zealand
around 1145 UTC.

Progress MS-25 was launched on Dec 1. It docked with the Poisk module at 1118:31 UTC Dec 3.


The Lotos subsatellite Kosmos-2571 seems to have ejected an additional object around 1400 UTC Nov 23,
as first reported by LeoLabs. The object may be an adapter rather than a third payload.


Russia launched a military satellite, probably Kosmos-2572, on Nov 25
into a 299 x 320 km x 96.6 deg sun-synch orbit with 12:30 local time
orbital plane. It is suspected to be the first Razdan spy satellite and
likely has a mass around 7000 kg.

Manligyeong 1-3

North Korea's third Cheonlima-1 (Chollima-1 in a more common transliteration scheme) successfully
reached orbit on Nov 21. The rocket's third stage is in a 467 x 511 km x 97.4 deg orbit and
the payload, the Manligyeong-1 spy satellite, is in a 492 x 512 km x 97.4 deg orbit in a 22:00 local
time orbital plane. North Korea reports the satellite has already returned images of locations in US and South Korea.

SAST launches

On Nov 23 China's SAST launched a CZ-2D with a YZ-3 upper stage. The YZ-3 made two burns to
a 1092 x 1108 km x 50.0 deg orbit, released three internet communications satellite test payloads,
and made a third burn to deorbit itself.

The launch announcement described the payloads as Weixing Hulianwang Jishu Shiyan Weixing
(Satellite-internet technology test satellite) like the sats on the July 9 launch.
Other source reported in nasaspaceflight.com that the satellites
are actually named Xingwang Qinxie Guidao 02 zu A/B/C xing (StarNet Inclined Orbit Group 02 Sats A,B,C)
and as Chuangxing-20 01,02,03 xing. The satellites are built by the Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites.

On Dec 10 SAST launched a CZ-2D with the fifth triplet of Yaogan 39 satellites.

CALT launches

On Dec 14  CALT launched a CZ-2F with the third flight of the Chinese robotic spaceplane.

On Dec 15 CALT launched CZ-5 no. Y6 from Wenchang, carrying a large
military imaging satellite (Yaogan 41) to geotransfer orbit. The
satellite may have a mass of 6000 kg or more once it reaches GEO. It
likely has an apogee stage of similar mass attached to it to perform the
circularization burn.

Starlink launches

Starlink Group 7-7 (22 sats)  launched from Vandenberg on Nov 20.
Starlink Group 6-29 (23 sats) launched from Canaveral on Nov 22.
Starlink Group 6-30 (23 sats) launched from Canaveral on Nov 28.
Starlink Group 6-31 (23 sats) launched from Canaveral on Dec 3.
Starlink Group 6-33 (23 sats) launched from Canaveral on Dec 7.
Starlink Group 7-8 (22 sats)  launched from Vandenberg on Dec 8.

Korea 425

South Korea's Project 425 EO/IR Sat 1 spy satellite was launched by SpaceX on Dec 1.
A set of 24 secondary payloads were carried, but a full list is not available.
It seems possible that at least 4 of these are actually just hosted payloads on ION, and not separate

The list of known payloads includes:
 D-Orbit (Italy) ION SCV 'Daring Diego' (probably SCV012) tug
 PlanetIQ (US)  GNOMES-4 IoT comms sat
 SITAEL(Italy) mu-HETsat, 70 kg satellite to test Hall-effect electric thruster.
 Bane, from York Space Systems, carrying hosted technology payloads
 Kanazawa U. (Japan) KOYOH satellite, 43 kg
 EIRSAT-1 2U cubesat from University College Dublin, testing a gamma ray detector
 BazoomQ Research Lab (Yerevan, Armenia) Hayasat-1 1U cubesat
 CS Univ. Montpellier (France) ENSO 1U cubesat to measure solar radiation
 Melbourne/Rome 6U SpIRIT cubesat with wide field X-ray astronomy detector
 Three Alba Orbital (Scotland/Germany) Unicorn-2 3P satellites, probably with imaging payloads
 TU Berlin (Germany) NanoFF-1 and 2, 2U cubesats for formation flying tests
 Inst. Astrofisica Canarias (Spain) ALISIO 6U Earth imaging satellite
 Lilium-1 (Taiwan), 3U technology cubesat
 Innova (Argentina) 2P MDQSAT comms satellite. (Innova is a subsidary of Miota Aerospace SAS.,
 which is being credited with the satellite in the D-Orbit brochure. Possibly it is the same satellite
 as Unicorn-2P).

South Korean solid launch vehicle

On Dec 4 South Korea's defense agency ADD launched a three-stage launch vehicle from a barge off the coast 
of Jeju Island, placing a 100-kg-class Hanwha Systems experimental radar satellite in orbit.
The name of the rocket has not been released; it is referred to as Goche Yeollyo Uju Balsache
(Solid fuel space launcher) Siheom bihaengche 2 (Test Vehicle 2).
The first two stages are solid fuelled and the third stage has a liquid propellant engine.
I will label the rocket ADD TV2 for now.

The reported NOTAM impact area of stage 2 corresponds to about a -1550 x 650 km trajectory
with impact around 0530 UTC, implying that the Stage 3 burn was around 730 m/s.

The operational rocket will have an additional solid stage between TV2's first and second stages.


CALT launched the joint Egyptian-Chinese MisrSat-2 (Egyptsat-2) imaging satellite on a CZ-2C
from Jiuquan on Dec 4. China calls the satellite Aiji-2 (a Pinyin phonetic rendering of 'Egypt').
The 350 kg satellite was assembled at a Chinese-built factory in New Cairo. This satellite
is not to be confused with an earlier Russian-built Egyptsat-2 launched in 2014.

The launch also placed two small Xingchi-1 Group 02 satellites in orbit for Toyuan Shikong ('Ellipical Space').
The Xingchi constellation is marketed in English as `Starpool'.


Xinghe Dongli (Galactic Energy) launched Gushenxing-1 Y9 on Dec 4.
Payloads were  the Xingchi-1A imaging sat for Touyuan Shikong, and the
Jiheng-1 microwave radiometer sat for Gengyu muxing (Beijing) Kongjian
Keji YG. The upper stage was left in orbit without a perigee lowering burn.


China Long March Rocket Co launched the second Jielong-3 on Dec 5 at
1924 UTC, placing another broadband internet test satellite in orbit.
Launch was from the ship Bo Run Jiu Zhou (MMS 413536970) at 112.0E 21.3N
off the coast of Guangdong

The satellite has been cataloged in a 904 x 922 km x 86.5 deg orbit; the
4th stage in a 360 x 921 km orbit. Comparison with the NOTAM warning
zones suggest that the 3rd stage was in a -3580 x 916 km x 88.8 deg
orbit with the 4th stage making a small dogleg to decrease inclination.


The third Zhuque-2 launch placed three satellites in a 432 x 461 km
sun-sync orbit (LTDN 06:00) on Dec 8 for Tianyi Research and Shanghai
Lanjian Hongqing Keji YG. Honghu-1 carries tests of Ar, Kr, and Xe
electric propulsion systems. The Honghu satellites are technology tests
for a future LEO comm satellite constellation.

The previous ZQ-2 launch carried a dummy payload, so this is the first
time a methalox rocket has orbited active satellites.


Electron launch 42, on Dec 15, placed the QPS-SAR-5 (Tsukoyomi-I) radar satellite in
orbit for the Japanese company iQPS.

Chandrayaan-3 PM

On Oct 8 India's Chandrayaan-3 Propulsion Module changed its lunar orbit from 140 x 180 km x 89.5 deg to
150 x 5125 km x 89.7 deg. A further burn on Oct 13 increased the orbit to 155 x 53767 km x 91.1 deg.
This orbit passed close enough to the Earth-Moon Hill sphere boundary to be strongly perturbed, and
without further manuevers the C3PM left the Moon's gravitational sphere at 0802 UTC Nov 10, entering
a 230000 x 316000 km x 27 deg Earth orbit in a test of future lunar sample return navigation techniques.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches

Date UT       Name			     Launch Vehicle	 Site		 Mission  INTL.  Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl	 Notes
Nov  3 1454   TJS-10                            Chang Zheng 7A             Wenchang LC201  Unk     169A    181 x 35844 x 17.0
Nov  4 0037   Starlink Group 6-26               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   170     283 x 292 x 43.0
Nov  8 0505   Starlink Group 6-27               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   171     283 x 292 x 43.0
Nov  9 1123   Zhongxing-6E                      Chang Zheng 3B             Xichang         Comms   172A    215 x 35754 x 28.4
Nov 10 0128   Dragon CRS-29                     Falcon 9                   Kennedy LC39A   Cargo   173A    209 x 360 x 51.7
Nov 11 1849   Transporter-9                     Falcon 9                 Vandenberg SLC4E  Tug     174     523 x 544 x 97.5
Nov 12 2108   O3b MPOWER 5                      Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   175    2599 x 7005 x 9.0
              O3b MPOWER 6                                                                 Comms   175    2596 x 7005 x 9.0
Nov 16 0355   Haiyang 3-01                      Chang Zheng 2C/YZ-1S       Jiuquan         Imaging 176A    786 x 788 x 98.7
Nov 18 0505   Starlink Group 6-28               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   177     283 x 292 x 43.0
Nov 18 1303   Starship OFT-2                    Starship                   Starbase OLP1   Test    F11   -1750 x 149 x 26.5
Nov 20 1030   Starlink Group 7-7                Falcon 9                 Vandenberg SLC4E  Comms   178    284 x 291 x 53.1
Nov 21 1342   Manligyeong-1 F3                  Cheonlima-1                 Sohae          Imaging 179A   492 x 512 x 97.4
Nov 22 0747   Starlink Group 6-29               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   180    283 x 292 x 43.0
Nov 23 1000   XQG-02A                           Chang Zheng 2D/YZ3         Xichang         Comms   181   1091 x 1111 x 50.0
              XQG-02B                                                                      Comms   181   1092 x 1108 x 50.0
              Chuangxin-20                                                                 Comms   181   1091 x 1107 x 50.0
Nov 25 2058   Kosmos-2572?                      Soyuz-2-1B                 Plesetsk LC43/4 Imaging 182A   299 x 320 x 96.6
Nov 28 0420   Starlink Group 6-30               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   183    284 x 292 x 43.0
Dec  1 0925   Progress M-25                     Soyuz-2-1A                 Baykonur LC31   Cargo   184A   264 x 282 x 51.6
Dec  1 1819   Korea Project 425 EO/IR           Falcon 9                  Vandenberg SLC4E Imaging 185A   554 x 570 x 97.6
              ION SCV012?                                                                  Tug
              Bane                                                                         Unknown
              GNOMES-4                                                                     Comms
              ENSO                                                                         Tech
              Spirit                                                                       Astron  185    508 x 525 x 97.5
              EIRSAT-1                                                                     Tech
              Hayasat-1                                                                    Tech
              Koyoh                                                                        Tech
              Lilium-1                                                                     Tech
              Unicorn-2L, 2M, 2N                                                           Imaging
              ALISIO                                                                       Imaging
              MDQubeSAT-1                                                                  Comms
              NanoFF-1, 2                                                                  Tech
              uHETSAT                                                                      Tech
              LOGSATS                                                                      Comms
Dec  3 0400   Starlink Group 6-31               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   186    285 x 292 x 43.0
Dec  4 0410   MisrSat-2                         Chang Zheng 2C             Jiuquan         Imaging 187A  626 x 642 x 98.0
              Xingchi-1 02A                                                             Img/Comms  187B
              Xingchi-1 02B                                                             Img/Comms  187C
Dec  4 0500   S-STEP                            ADD TV2                    Jeju            Radar   188A  636 x 653 x 47.0
Dec  4 2333   Xingchi-1A                        Gushenxing-1               Jiuquan         Imaging 189   494 x 511 x 97.5
              Jiheng-1                                                                    Rem.sens.189   494 x 511 x 97.5
Dec  5 1924   Chuangxin-19                      Jielong-3              BRJZ, S China Sea   Comms   190A  904 x 921 x 86.5
Dec  7 0507   Starlink Group 6-33               Falcon 9                   Canaveral LC40  Comms   191    285 x 292 x 43.0
Dec  8 0803   Starlink Group 7-8                Falcon 9                  Vandenberg SLC4E Comms   192    285 x 295 x 53.1
Dec  8 2339   Honghu-1                          Zhuque-2                   Jiuquan         Tech    193    432 x 461 x 97.3
              Honghu-2                                                                     Tech    193
              Tianyi-33                                                                    Tech    193
Dec 10 0158   Yaogan 39 hao 05 zu 01 xing       Chang Zheng 2D             Xichang         Sigint  194A  490 x 501 x 35.0
              Yaogan 39 hao 05 zu 02 xing                                                  Sigint  194   490 x 501 x 35.0
              Yaogan 39 hao 05 zu 03 xing                                                  Sigint  194   490 x 501 x 35.0
Dec 14 1412?  CSSHQ 3                           Chang Zheng 2F             Jiuquan      Spaceplane 195A  333 x 347 x 50.0
Dec 15 0405   QPS-SAR-5                         Electron                   Mahia 1B        Radar   196A  574 x 583 x 42.0  
Dec 15 1341   Yaogan 41                         Chang Zheng 5              Wenchang        Imaging 197A  176 x 35812 x 19.5

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches 

Nov  1 0701?  GT248             Minuteman 3         Vandenberg           Test          100?      Pacific (RSO destruct)
Nov  2 1544   Galactic 05       Spaceship Two       Sp. America EBR3     Tourist        87       Sp. America
Nov  4?       RV x6?            Bulava              K-554, White Sea     Test         1000?      Kura
Nov  8 0941   DISSIPATION       Terrier Oriole      Poker Flat           Auroral       150?      PFRR
Nov  9 1014   Beam-PIE          Black Brant XII     Poker Flat           Auroral       450?      PFRR
Nov 15        H4H-4?            T.T.Imp. Mal.       Wallops I            Hypersonic    100?      Atlantic
Nov 15        H4H-5?            T.T.Imp. Mal.       Wallops I            Hypersonic    100?      Atlantic
Nov 18 1819   M51 RV            M51.3               Biscarosse           Test         1000?      Atlantic
Dec  2 0700   S-520-33          S-520               Uchinoura            Tech          304       Pacific
Dec  2 0730   MAIUS-2           VSB-30              Kiruna               Micrograv     230?      ESRANGE
Dec  6        Bio Capsule       Salman              Semnan               Life Sci      130       Iran
Dec 11 1425?  FTG-12 Target     IRBM-T1?            C-17, Pacific        Target        500?      Pacific
Dec 11 1430?  FTG-12 EKV        GBI                 Vandenberg           Interceptor   300?      Pacific (intercept)

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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