5.4.6: Tables and Bibliography

Project Pilot Informal Research Package, NOTS.

Juno Final Report, JPL, 1961.

Jupiter Bimonthly Summary No. 12, JPL, 1958.

Jane's All the World's Aircraft, all years.

Jane's Space Directory, all years.

Aerospace Yearbook, 1967.

Project Sparta memos, Redstone Arsenal library.

Thiokol/Elkton Star Motor flight history (M. Lara, private

Konstrurovanie avtomaticheskikh kosmicheskikh apparatov, D. I. Koslov, (Moscow, 1996). communication).


Table 1: Motors in approximate order of fuelled mass. Fuelled mass correlates well with total impulse, which is harder to get reliable values for.

Table 2: Flight histories for all motors with the exception of the Zenit PTDU retro and the Star 12 SRV retro (several hundred of each have been flown, and many of these flights are still classified). International designations are given for the motors where relevant; designators containing 'F', e.g. 1982-F06, indicate a failed orbital launch attempt. The suffix /NNA after an international designation indicates a vehicle in orbit but not cataloged by Space Command. The suffix /SO represents a suborbital component of an orbital launch, while SO on its own indicates a suborbital launch. The `status' column is S for a successful burn (even if orbit was not achieved because of malfunctions on earlier stages), P for a partial success, F for a failure of that stage (including guidance and other non-propulsive failures) and NT for no test (e.g. motor not fired because launch vehicle destroyed due to failure of an earlier stage). U denotes unknown; the status of many suborbital launches fall in this category. D indicates a dummy motor. The date given is that of the motor being fired; in some cases, denoted by a trailing colon, this is uncertain to a day or so.