[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 706

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Mon Dec 8 21:07:21 EST 2014

Jonathan's Space Report 
No. 706                                                    2014 Dec  9       Somerville, MA


Henry Spencer points out that I omitted the Stardust flyby at 181 km of
comet 9P/Tempel 1 on 2011 Feb 15 at 0439UTC from my list of comet

International Space Station

Expedition 42 continues with commander Barry Wilmore, FE-1 Aleksandr Samokutyaev and FE-2 Elena Serova.
Soyuz TMA-15M was launched at 2101 UTC Nov 23 with Anton Shkaplerov, Terry Virts and Samantha
Cristoforetti. It docked with the Rassvet at 0249 UTC Nov 24.

On Nov 28 the Japanese JEM-RMS robot arm extracted the SSIKLOPS (Cyclops) deployer and its attached
SpinSat satellite from the Kibo airlock and positioned it for deployment. The Cyclops then ejected
SpinSat into orbit (at 1430:42 UTC, per information from the principal investigator at NRL.)
SpinSat is a 50 kg Naval Research Lab satellite to test new microthrusters for attitude control.
SpinSat has been cataloged as 1998-067FL.

Orion EFT-1

Exploration Flight Test 1 was carried out on Dec 5. EFT-1 used an Orion Crew Module (probably
around 9400 kg) with a LAS escape tower atop a dummy Service Module with jettisonable side panels,
which in turn is fixed to the OSA (Orion-to-Stage-Adapter). This vehicle was mounted on the second
stage of a Delta IV Heavy vehicle, Delta 369.

Delta 369's second stage was inserted into a 185 x 888 km x 28.8 deg orbit at 1222 UTC, 17 minutes after
launch from Cape Canaveral. The stage made a second burn at 1400 UTC, entering a -37 x 5807 km
orbit; apogee was at 1510 UTC. At 1528 UTC the Orion CM separated from the stage. At 1550 UTC
Delta 369 made a third burn of unknown delta-V, accelerating its reentry which occurred at 1616 UTC.
The Orion CM made a small RCS adjust burn at 1602 UTC and entered the atmosphere at 8.9 km/s at 1618 UTC,
landing at 1629 UTC off Baja California at 23.60N 116.46W. It was recovered by USS Anchorage.

Three objects were cataloged by USSTRATCOM. Object 40331 (2014-077C),
seen in the SECO-1 orbit during the mission, may be short-lived debris
from the Delta or even a bookkeeping error, since no new elsets have
been released since the flight.

Reentry Return Flight Vehicle Service Module

China's latest lunar probe, now referred to as the Lunar Exploration
Program Phase 3's Return Reentry Flight Vehicle Service Module (Tanyue
gongcheng san qi zai ru fanhui feixingqi fuwu cang), entered a 20000 x
40000 x 35000 km Lissajous orbit around the Earth-Moon L2 Lagrange point
on Nov 28. EML2 is 61000 km from the Moon and 446000 km from Earth's
center; the probe makes two orbits around the point each month.


AMSAT report that Kosmos-2499 activated an amateur radio payload, RS-47,
on Nov 30. Kosmos-2499 remains in a similar orbit to the Briz-M rocket
stage after its Nov 9 rendezvous, but analysis by Bob Christy reported
at twitter.com/zarya_info reveals that the two satellites are now
drifting slowly apart. The earlier mystery satellite in the same
series, Kosmos-2491, has also activated an amateur radio payload (RS-46).

Yaogan 24

China launched Yaogan 24 on Nov 20 into a 630 x 652 km SSO. The
satellite is an imaging spy satellite in the same series as Yaogan 2, 4,
7, 11. The CZ-2D second stage was deorbited after deploying the

Kuaizhou 2

The second launch of the Chinese 2nd Artillery's operationally
responsive Kuaizhou (Swift Boat) launch vehicle on Nov 21 placed
Kuaizhou-2 in a 284 x 300 km x 96.6 deg orbit, with 1300 local time
descending node. Kuaizhou 1 was launched to a similar orbit with 1100
LTDN in Sep 2013; after  regular maintenance burns for a year, during
Oct 2014 Kuaizhou 1's orbit was raised to 365 x 390 km.

Glonass-K No. 12

The second Glonass-K satellite, vehicle No. 12, was launched by Soyuz-2-1B
from Plesetsk on Nov 30. The Glonass-K series are the third generation
of Russian high orbit navigation satellites, following the original Uragan/Glonass and
their successors, the Uragan-M/Glonass-M vehicles. 

The fun with inconsistently assigned Kosmos numbers continues. In the
latest episode, the Glonass-K vehicle has apparently been assigned the
cover name Kosmos-2502. If so, Kosmos-2501 is most likely assigned to
the military Luch satellite launched Sep 27. However, there are
suggestions that the statement at
http://www.sdcm.ru/smglo/news?version=rus&repdate&site=extern is
incorrect and will be amended so that the Glonass satellite is 2501.

Hayabusa 2

Japan's Hayabusa-2 space probe was launched into solar orbit on Dec 2 by
the H-IIA-26 rocket. The probe is intended to rendezvous with asteroid
1999 JU3, survey it from orbit, touch down briefly to sample the
surface, and return samples to Earth. Five small, beanbag-like 'target
markers' can be ejected onto the surface in advance to help guide the
vehicle. Hayabusa-2 also carries three 1 kg class lander/hopper devices,
Minerva II-1a, II-1b and II-2, which will be ejected onto the surface,
together with a 10 kg German-built lander called MASCOT. Hayabusa-2 will
also eject a 'Self-Contained Impactor' (SCI) device onto the surface. As
the parent spacecraft scoots off to the side it will further eject the
DCAM-3 camera subsatellite, which will monitor detonation of SCI's high
explosive, intended to ram the SCI's body into the asteroid and generate
an artificial crater.

The second stage of the H-IIA deployed three further spacecraft into
solar orbit. The most unusual is DESPATCH (ArtSat-2) from Tama Art
University. The yellowish, tapered-helix assembly is intended mainly as
a work of art although it also carries an amateur radio communications
payload with a limited range. Shin'en-2 has a more ambitious
communications payload designed to demonstrate deep space communications
with a small spacecraft, and PROCYON is a small spacecraft experiment to
test interplanetary navigation with an ion engine. PROCYON will be sent
to a different asteroid from Hayabusa-2; which one hasn't been decided
yet, and will depend on the actual trajectory it's been launched into.

Launched into a 245 x -50902 km x 29.9 deg hyperbola with C3=21.03
km**2/s**2, Hayabusa-2 and its fellow travellers left the Earth-Moon
system on Dec 6, passing the distance of the L1 point at around 2030
UTC, and antered a 0.915 x 1.089 AU x 6.8 deg solar orbit. (These
numbers are based on the expected prelaunch trajectory given on JPL Horizons).

Ariane VA221

Arianespace flight VA221 used Ariane 5ECA vehicle 575, delivering two
communications satellites into geotransfer orbit. GSAT-16 for the Indian
Space Research Organization has Ku and C band communications payloads
for increased capacity at 55 deg E. DirecTV 14 for DirecTV is an SSL-MDA 1300
satellite with a mass of 6300 kg full. It will be stationed at 99 deg W
for television broadcasting.


China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 4 (Zhong-badiqiu ziyuan weixing 04 xing)
was launched on Dec 7 into a 741 x 752 km x 98.5 deg orbit with 10:30 local
time descending node. The uprated ZY-1 class satellite replaced CBERS 3
which was lost in a launch failure one year ago.

Note: I have enhanced the table of orbital launches. It's extra work, so I don't promise
to keep doing it this way. Catalog numbers beginning with S refer to the US space surveillance
catalog; other catalog numbers (e.g. A and F designations) are my own auxiliary catalogs.

Table of Recent (orbital) Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission       INTL.   Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl   Notes
                                                                                                      km      km   deg

Oct  7 0516   Himawari-8         H-IIA             Tanegashima       Weather        60A    S40267  35783 x 35789 x   0.0 GEO 141E  
Oct 15 2002   IRNSS-1C           PSLV-XL           Sriharikota FLP   Navigation     61A    S40269  35692 x 35881 x   4.9 GEO  83E
Oct 16 2144   Intelsat IS-30 )   Ariane 5ECA       Kourou ELA3       Comms          62A    S40271  35776 x 35796 x   0.0 GEO  95W
              ARSAT-1        )                                       Comms          62B    S40272  35736 x 35750 x   0.0 GEO  72W drift
Oct 20 0631   Yaogan 22          Chang Zheng 4C    Taiyuan           Imaging?       63A    S40275   1198 x  1207 x 100.3 1330LT SSO
Oct 21 1509   Ekspress AM-6      Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur LC81/24  Comms          64A    S40277  32617 x 39146 x   0.6 GEO 140E drift
Oct 23 1800   RRFV               ) Chang Zheng 3C/G2 Xichang         Lunar probe    65A    S40283  -1281 x404729 x  30.5    
              RRFV Service Module)                                   Lunar probe    65     A08292  Earth-Moon L2 point
              4M                 )                                   Amateur radio  65B    S40284  86169 x381280 x  61.7              
Oct 27 0659   SJ-11 08           Chang Zheng 2C    Jiuquan           Surveillance?  66A    S40286    686 x   704 x  98.2 1315LT SSO
Oct 28 2220   SS Deke Slayton  ) Antares 130       Wallops MARS 0A   Cargo          F02    F01411  -6378 x   0.1 x  51.6
              RACE             )                                     Science        F02    F01414  -6378 x   0.1 x  51.6
              Arkyd-3          )                                     Tech           F02    F01415  -6378 x   0.1 x  51.6
              GOMX-2           )                                     Comms AIS      F02    F01442  -6378 x   0.1 x  51.6
              Flock-1d 1 to 26 )                                     Imaging        F02    F01416/F01441
Oct 29 0709   Progress M-25M     Soyuz-2-1a        Baykonur LC31     Cargo          67A    S40292  Docked to ISS Pirs
Oct 29 1721   GPS SVN 69         Atlas V 401       Canaveral SLC41   Navigation     68A    S40294  20155 x  20211 x  55.0 
Oct 30 0143   Meridian No. 17L   Soyuz-2-1a/Fregat Plesetsk LC43/4   Comms          69A    S40296    959 x  39395 x  62.8 
Nov  6 0735   ASNARO      )      Dnepr             Yasniy            Imaging        70A    S40298    505 x    507 x  97.5 1100LT SSO
              Hodoyoshi-1 )                                          Imaging        70B    S40299    503 x    524 x  97.5 1100LT SSO
              Kinshachi-1 )                                          Imaging        70C    S40300    503 x    537 x  97.5 1055LT SSO
              Tsukushi    )                                          Imaging        70D    S40301    502 x    552 x  97.5 1055LT SSO
              Tsubame     )                                          XR Astron      70E    S40302    502 x    566 x  97.5 1055LT SSO
Nov 14 1853   Yaogan 23          Chang Zheng 2C    Taiyuan           Radar imaging  71A    S40305    510 x    513 x  97.3 0200LT SSO
Nov 20 0712   Yaogan 24          Chang Zheng 2D    Jiuquan           Imaging        72A    S40310    628 x    653 x  97.9 1330LT SSO
Nov 21 0637   Kuaizhou-2         Kuaizhou          Jiuquan           Imaging        73A    S40311    275 x    316 x  96.6 1300LT SSO
Nov 23 2101   Soyuz TMA-15M      Soyuz-FG          Baykonur LC31     Spaceship      74A    S40312  Docked to ISS Rassvet
Nov 28 1430   SpinSat            -                 ISS, LEO          Tech        98-067FL  S40314    405 x    415 x  51.7
Nov 30 2152   Glonass-K1 No. 12L Soyuz-2-1b/Fregat Plesetsk LC43/4   Navigation     75A    S40315  19153 x  19201 x  64.8
Dec  3 0422   Hayabusa-2    )    H-IIA 202         Tanegashima Y1    Space probe    76A    S40319    245 x -50912 x  29.9
              Shin'en-2     )                                        Comms tech     76B    S40320    245 x -50912 x  29.9
              DESPATCH      )                                        Art satellite  76C    S40321    245 x -50912 x  29.9
              PROCYON       )                                        Space probe    76D    S40322    245 x -50912 x  29.9
              MASCOT        )                                                        76    A08308   Attached to S40319
              Minerva II-1a )                                                        76    A08305   Attached to S40319
              Minerva II-1b )                                                        76    A08306   Attached to S40319
              Minerva II-2  )                                                        76    A08307   Attached to S40319
              SCI           )                                                        76    A08309   Attached to S40319
              DCAM-3        )                                                        76    A08310   Attached to S40319
              Target Marker 1)                                                       76    A08311   Attached to S40319
              Target Marker 2)                                                       76    A08312   Attached to S40319
              Target Marker 3)                                                       76    A08313   Attached to S40319
              Target Marker 4)                                                       76    A08314   Attached to S40319
              Target Marker 5)                                                       76    A08315   Attached to S40319
Dec  5 1205   Orion EFT-1        Delta 4H           Canaveral SLC37B Spaceship test  77A   S40329    -37 x   5809 x  28.8 
Dec  6 2040   DirecTV-14 )       Ariane 5ECA        Kourou ELA3      Comms           78B   S40333   6443 x  35792 x   3.1 
              GSAT-16    )                                           Comms           78A   S40332  15998 x  35774 x   1.1 
Dec  7 0326   CBERS 4            Chang Zheng 4B     Taiyuan LC9      Imaging         79A   S40336    742 x    751 x  98.5 1030LT SSO

Table of Recent (suborbital) Launches

Date UT     Payload/Flt Name  Launch Vehicle  Site                   Mission    Apogee/km

Oct  7 1310   SR-10            Sounding Rocket     Jiupeng          Ionosphere    286
Oct 12 0427   MDA Target?      Terrier Lynx        Wallops I        Target?       150?
Oct 17 0708   FTX-20           MRBM-T3?            Kauai            Target        300?
Oct 23 1333   SL-9             SpaceLoft XL        Spaceport America Micrograv    124
Oct 29 1727   RVs              Bulava            K-535, Barents Sea Test         1000?
Nov  1 0620   RV               Topol'-M            Plesetsk         Test         1000?
Nov  5        RV               Sineva            K-114, Barents Sea Test         1000?
Nov  6 1907   RAISE 2          Black Brant IX      White Sands      Solar         300?
Nov  6 2203   FTM-25 Target    Terrier Oriole?     Kauai            Target        150?
Nov  6 2206?  Aegis KV         SM-3-IB           DDG-53, Pacific    Interceptor   150?
Nov  9 0410   Agni RV          Agni 2              Wheeler I.       Test          300?
Nov 13        RV               Shaheen 2           Somniani?        Test          300?
Nov 17        RV               Shaheen 1A          Somniani?        Test          150?
Nov 28        RVs              Bulava            K-550, Barents Sea Test         1000?
Dec  2 0449   Agni RV          Agni 4              Wheeler I.       Test          300?

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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