[JSR] Jonathan's Space Report, No. 717

Jonathan McDowell jcm at planet4589.org
Sun Nov 1 15:04:10 EST 2015

Jonathan's Space Report 
No. 717                                                         2015 Nov  1 Somerville, MA

International Space Station

Expedition 45 is underway under the command of Scott Kelly, with
flight engineers Mikhail Kornienko, Oleg Kononenko, Sergey
Volkov, Kimiya Yui, and Kjell Lindgren.

NanoRacks/PlanetLabs Flock-2b satellite deploys continued until Oct 7.
However,  two satellites (Flock 2b-11 and 12) were not released due to a
problem with the deployer. The NRCSD-6 deployer, with the two stuck
satellites, was removed from the Kibo airlock on Oct 26 and will be
returned to Earth on a future Dragon mission.

On Oct 28 Astronauts Kelly and Lindgren made a spacewalk in suits EMU
3003 and 3010. The Quest airlock was depressurized from abotu 1200 UTC
to 1919 UTC. They removed a thermal cover from a failed MBSU unit, added
thermal covers to the AMS-02 particle physics experiment, installed
cabling for the future IDA docking adapters, and lubricated part of the
LEE-B end of the Canadarm-2. Part of the LEE lubing and the IDA wiring,
as well as the installation of a vent on Node 3, were omitted due to
lack of time.


United Launch Alliance flew Atlas mission AV-058 from Vandenberg on Oct
8 to place two NRO satellites and a cluster of cubesats in orbit.
Hobbyists quickly tracked USA 264 and "USA 264 debris", actually thought
to be a clandestine active payload, in a 1014 x 1201 km x 63.4 deg
orbit. The satellites are understood to be NRO/Navy signals intelligence
satellites, the latest successors to the GRAB/POPPY series and probably
codenamed INTRUDER.

Following deployment of the main payloads, AV-058 made two further burns
to a 496 x 800 km x 64.8 deg orbit and deployed the cubesats from 
GRACE, the fourth NPS Cubesat Launcher flown on an Atlas Aft Bulkhead Carrier.
The cubesats are:
   Aerocube-5c and 7 from Aerospace Corporation
   The AMSAT-OSCAR-85 (Fox-1A) amateur radio satellite from AMSAT-NA
   BisonSat from Salish Kootenai College in Montana
   Alaska Research Cubesat 1 from U. Alaska Fairbanks
   Three SMDC Nanosatellite Program (SNAP-3) communications satellites for
    the US Army Strategica Missile Defence Command, named ALICE, EDDIE and JIMI
   The Low Mass Radio Science Transponder experiment from JPL
   Two PropCube ionospheric-propagation-study satellites from 
    Tyvak Nanosystems and USN Postgrad.School, named Flora and Merryweather
   Two SINOD-D satellites with software-defined radio demonstrations from SRI International.

Apstar 9

Apstar 9, for Hong Kong based APT Satellite, was launched on Oct 16 from
Xichang. The satellite uses a CAST/Beijing DFH-4 bus and has C- and
Ku-band communications payloads.

Tianhui-1 03

The third Tianhui-1 cartography satellite was launched on Oct 26, into 
the same local-time orbital plane as its two siblings. This was the 12th
Chinese orbital launch this year and the 9th in the past 2 months.


The second Turksat-4 satellite for Turk Telecom was launched on a Proton on Oct 16.
The 4900-kg satellite is a Mitsubishi Electric-built DS-2000 model with C, Ku and Ka-band
communications payloads; it will be located at 50 E.

GPS 73

Space Vehicle No 73 was added to the GPS constellation on Oct 31 when ULA's Atlas AV-060
delivered it to a 12-hour circular orbit. The satellite, model IIF flight 11, is nicknamed


Cassini flew a mere 49 km from the surface of Enceladus at 1524 UTC on
Oct 28. This E-21 encounter followed an 1839 km E-20 flyby of Enceladus
at 1043 UTC on Oct 14.


Dawn began its descent from the High to Low Altitude Mapping Orbits on
Oct 23. The HAMO was 1470 km from Ceres; LAMO is expected to be at 380
km altitude above the mean Ceres radius, orbiting over the world's
poles. Unfortunately the detailed orbital data for Dawn on JPL Horizons
haven't been updated for some time.


A small object perhaps only a metre or two in size, detected by optical
telescopes of the Catalina Sky Survey in translunar orbit, has been
identified with previous observations dating back to 2009. The object
may well be an object left over from 1960s lunar missions; its frequent
close approaches to the Moon make it challenging to work the orbit
backwards and identify it with a specific mission. Following a 47000 km
lunar encounter on Jul 13, WT1190F was left in an orbit with a 680000 km
apogee and a perigee which, due to continuing lunar and solar gravity
effects, is being forced down to negative values. WT1190F is now on its
final orbit of the Earth, falling inwards from lunar distance to a
predicted Nov 13 reentry over the Indian Ocean east of Sri Lanka.

There are about 25 lost objects of this small size in translunar orbits,
including Explorer 33, Prognoz 9, Luna 4, Surveyor D-2, the Apollo 15/16/17 SIM
Bay covers, at least six Molniya Blok-L final stages from lunar-related missions,
three other small rocket stages and half a dozen despin weights. In most of these
cases there's been no tracking data on these objects since they were launched
in the 1960s and 1970s.


In JSR 716 under 'Chinese Satellites 2', I omitted the description of
the Kaituo-1 satellite from Shenzen DFH Co., which is testing electric
propulsion Hall thrusters, and its DCBB subsatellite, a 2U cubesat which
has an amateur radio payload. Under the ISS section, the vehicle
docked at Zvezda is of course Progress M-29M.

Table of Recent Orbital Launches 
Date UT       Name            Launch Vehicle        Site            Mission       INTL.   Catalog  Perigee Apogee  Incl   Notes
                                                                                                      km      km   deg

Sep  2 0437   Soyuz TMA-18M       Soyuz-FG           Baykonur LC1     Spaceship      43A   S40885    401 x    402 x  51.7 at ISS
Sep  2 1018   MUOS 4              Atlas V 551        Canaveral SLC41  Comms          44A   S40887   3802 x  35786 x  19.1
Sep 11 0208   GalileoSat-9  )     Soyuz-ST-B/Fregat  CSG ZLS          Navigation     45A   S40889  23545 x  23610 x  57.4
              GalileoSat-10 )                                         Navigation     45B   S40890  23554 x  23700 x  57.4
Sep 12 1504   Tongxin Jisshu SW1  Chang Zheng 3B     Xichang LC2      Comms          46A   S40892    195 x  35814 x  27.1
Sep 14 0442   Gaofen 9            Chang Zheng 2D     Jiuquan LC603    Imaging        47A   S40894    618 x    664 x  98.0 1100LT SSO
Sep 14 1900   Ekspress AM-8       Proton-M/DM-03     Baykonur LC81/24 Comms          48A   S40895  35814 x  35890 x   0.0 GEO drift
Sep 17 1202   S-CUBE                                 ISS, LEO         Astronomy    98-67GY S40898    397 x    408 x  51.6    
Sep 17 1213   SERPENS                                ISS, LEO         Tech         98-67GX S40897    396 x    408 x  51.6    
Sep 19 2301   Kaituo-1      )                                         Tech/Comms     49A?  S40899    515 x    536 x  97.5
              DCBB          )                                         Tech           49P   S40912    513 x    536 x  97.5
              Luliang-1     )     Chang Zheng 6      Taiyuan LC16     Comms          49F   S40904    517 x    538 x  97.5
              Zhineng hao   )                                         Tech           49B   S40900    515 x    536 x  97.5
              Xingchen 1    )                                         Tech           49              515 x    536 x  97.5
              Xingchen 2    )                                         Tech           49              515 x    536 x  97.5
              Xingchen 3    )                                         Tech           49              515 x    536 x  97.5
              Xingchen 4    )                                         Tech           49              515 x    536 x  97.5
              Naxing-2      )                                         Tech           49G?  S40905    519 x    541 x  97.5
              Zijing-1      )                                         Tech           49              519 x    541 x  97.5
              Kongjian Shiyan 1)                                      Tech           49              519 x    541 x  97.5
              Zheda Pixing 2A  )                                      Tech           49C   S40901    516 x    536 x 97.5
              Zheda Pixing 2B  )                                      Tech           49D   S40902    516 x    536 x 97.5
              Zidingxiang-2 )                                         Tech/Comms     49K   S40908    520 x    542 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2A     )                                         Comms          49E   S40903    499 x    532 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2B     )                                         Comms          49N   S40911    519 x    539 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2C     )                                         Comms          49H   S40906    519 x    539 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2D     )                                         Comms          49J   S40907    519 x    539 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2E     )                                         Comms          49L   S40909    519 x    538 x 97.5
              Xiwang-2F     )                                         Comms          49M   S40910    518 x    541 x 97.5
Sep 23 2200   Kosmos-2507)        Rokot              Plesetsk LC133/3 Comms          50A   S40920   1502 x   1508 x 82.5
              Kosmos-2508)                                            Comms          50B   S409210  1494 x   1507 x 82.5
              Kosmos-2509)                                            Comms          50C   S40922   1496 x   1506 x 82.5
Sep 25 0141   Pujiang-1     )     Chang Zheng 11     Jiuquan SLS-E    Tech?          51A   S40925    468 x    486 x 97.3 
              Shangkeda-2   )                                         Tech?          51B   S40926    466 x    487 x 97.3
              NJUST-2?      )                                         Tech?          51C   S40927    466 x    487 x 97.3
              NJFA-1?       )                                         Tech?          51D   S40928    466 x    487 x 97.3
Sep 28 0430   Astrosat         )                                      Astronomy      52A   S40930    633 x    650 x  6.0
              LAPAN-A2         )                                      Tech           52B   S40931    631 x    650 x  6.0
              ExactView-9      )   PSLV-XL           Sriharikota FLP  Comms (AIS)    52C   S40932    630 x    650 x  6.0
              Lemur-2-Joel     )                                      Comms/Atm      52D   S40933    629 x    650 x  6.0
              Lemur-2-Peter    )                                      Comms/Atm      52E   S40934    634 x    650 x  6.0
              Lemur-2-Jeroen   )                                      Comms/Atm      52F   S40935    635 x    650 x  6.0
              Lemur-2-Chris    )                                      Comms/Atm      52G   S40936    635 x    650 x  6.0
Sep 29 2313   Beidou DW20         Chang Zheng 3B/G2  Xichang LC3      Navigation     53A   S40938    190 x  35881 x 55.0
Sep 30 1630   Sky Muster )        Ariane 5           Kourou ELA3      Comms          54A   S40940    180 x  35563 x  6.0
              ARSAT-2    )                                            Comms          54B   S40941    205 x  35550 x  6.0
Oct  1 1649   Progress M-29M      Soyuz-U            Baykonur LC1     Cargo          55A   S40944    400 x    408 x 51.6 Docked ISS
Oct  2 1028   Morelos-3           Atlas V 421        Canaveral SLC41  Comms          56A   S40946   4790?x  35800?x 27.0?
Oct  5 1405   GOMX-3   )                             ISS, LEO         Comms (ADS-B)98-67GZ S40948?   395 x    408 x 51.6
              AAUSAT-5 )                                              Comms (AIS)  98-67HA S40949?   395 x    408 x 51.6
Oct  6 0115   Flock 2b-1 )                           ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HB S40950    400 x    404 x 51.6
              Flock 2b-2 )                                            Imaging      98-67HC S40951    398 x    406 x 51.6
Oct  6 0430   Flock 2b-3 )                           ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HD S40952    399 x    405 x 51.6
              Flock 2b-4 )                                            Imaging      98-67HE S40953    401 x    403 x 51.6
Oct  6 0831   Flock 2b-5 )                           ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HF S40954    396 x    409 x 51.6
              Flock 2b-6 )                                            Imaging      98-67HG S40955    396 x    409 x 51.6
Oct  6 1145   Flock 2b-7 )                           ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HH S40956    396 x    408 x 51.6
              Flock 2b-8 )                                            Imaging      98-67HJ S40957    397 x    408 x 51.6
Oct  7 0010   Flock 2b-9 )                           ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HK S40962    397 x    408 x 51.6
              Flock 2b-10)                                            Imaging      98-67HL S40963    397 x    408 x 51.6
Oct  7 0413   Jilin-1 Optical A ) Chang Zheng 2D     Jiuquan          Imaging        57A?  S40958    640 x    665 x 97.8
              Jilin-1 Video 1   )                                     Imaging        57B?  S40959    640 x    664 x 97.8
              Jilin-1 Video 2   )                                     Imaging        57C?  S40960    639 x    664 x 97.8
              Jilin-1 Tech Demo )                                     Imaging        57D?  S40961    639 x    664 x 97.8
Oct  7 1225   Flock 2b-13 )                          ISS, LEO         Imaging      98-67HM S40979    395 x    408 x 51.7
              Flock 2b-14 )                                           Imaging      98-67HN S40980    396 x    408 x 51.7
Oct  8 1249   USA 246           )  Atlas V 401       Vandenberg SLC3E Sigint         58A   S40964   1014 x   1201 x 63.4  
              USA 246 Payload 2 )                                     Sigint         58R   S40981   1014 x   1201 x 63.4  
              Aerocube-5C       )                                     Tech           58B   S40965    500 x   802  x 64.8
              Aerocube-7        )                                     Tech           58C   S40966    500 x   802  x 64.8
              AMSAT-OSCAR-85    )                                     Com/Tech       58D   S40967    500 x   802  x 64.8
              Bisonsat          )                                     Tech           58E   S40968    500 x   802  x 64.8
              ARC-1             )                                     Tech           58F   S40969    500 x   802  x 64.8
              SNAP-3 ALICE      )                                     Comms          58G   S40970    500 x   802  x 64.8
              LMRST             )                                     Tech           58H   S40971    500 x   802  x 64.8
              SNAP-3 EDDIE      )                                     Comms          58J   S40972    500 x   802  x 64.8
              PropCube-3 Merryweather                                 Sci            58K   S40973    500 x   802  x 64.8
              SINOD-D 1         )                                     Tech           58L   S40974    500 x   802  x 64.8
              SNAP-3 JIMI       )                                     Comms          58M   S40975    500 x   802  x 64.8
              PropCube-1 Flora  )                                     Sci            58N   S40976    500 x   802  x 64.8
              SINOD-D 3         )                                     Tech           58P   S40977    500 x   802  x 64.8
Oct 16 1616   Apstar 9             Chang Zheng 3B    Xichang          Comms          59A   S40982    190 x 41767  x 27.2 
Oct 16 2040   Turksat 4B           Proton-M/Briz-M   Baykonur         Comms          60A   S40984  35717 x 35759  x  0.0
Oct 26 0710   Tianhui 1-03         Chang Zheng 2D    Jiuquan          Imaging        61A   S40988    490 x   500  x 97.4 1330LT SSO
Oct 31 1613   GPS SVN 73           Atlas V 401       Canaveral SLC41  Navigation     62A   S41019  20426 x 20485 x  55.0

Table of Recent Suborbital Launches

Date UT       Payload/Flt Name Launch Vehicle      Site                  Mission    Apogee/km    Target

Sep  3 1701   NASA 36.291US    Black Brant 9       White Sands, NM       Solar UV      287       White Sands 
Sep 11 1100   S-520-30         S-520               Uchinoura, Kyushu     Physics       312       Phillipine Sea
Sep 16 1906   NASA 39.012DR    Black Brant XI      Andoya, Norway        Ionos/Calib   299       Norwegian Sea
Sep 30 0828   M51 RVs          M-51                Landes, France        Test          500?      Atlantic O.
Oct  2 0539   O-STATES 1       S31/Orion           Kiruna, Sweden        Atmosphere    246       ESRANGE Area B, Sweden
Oct  7 2307   NASA 36.310GT    Black Brant 9       Wallops I, Virginia   Tech/Atmos    164?      Atlantic O.
Oct 11        Emad RV          Emad                ?, Iran               Test          200?      Iran?
Oct 19 1409   O-STATES 2       S31/Orion           Kiruna, Sweden        Atmosphere    244       ESRANGE Area B, Sweden
Oct 21 1245   GT216GM RV       Minuteman 3         Vandenberg LF04       Training     1300?      Kwajalein
Oct 28 1130   4 RVs            Yars                Plesetsk              Test         1000?      Kura, Kamchatka
Oct 30        Topol RV         Topol               Plesetsk              Test         1000?      Kura, Kamchatka
Oct 30        R-29RM RV x 4?   Sineva        K-117 Bryansk, Barents Sea  Test         1000?      Kura, Kamchatka
Oct 30        R-29 RV x 4?     Volna         K-223 Podolsk,Sea of Okhotsk Test        1000?      Chizha?, Kanin Penisula

|  Jonathan McDowell                 |                                    |
|  Somerville MA 02143               |  inter : planet4589 at gmail       |
|  USA                               |  twitter: @planet4589              |
|                                                                         |
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