Launch_Tag     Launch_JD  Launch_Date          LV_Type                  Varian Flight_ID            Flight                   Mission                  FlightCode               Platform  Launch_S Launch_Pad       Ascent_S Ascent_Pad       Apogee   Range  Dest         OrbPay   Agency       Laun Group                    Category                 LTCite               Cite                 Notes
# Updated 2024 Jul 26 01:24:51
2006-A04       2453921.33 2006 Jul  4 2001     Unha-1                   ?      1                    -                        -                        -                        -         TONGH    -                -        -                     40?     -  -               0.000 KCST         MF   -                        Test                     Wire                 -                    -
2009-F02       2454926.60 2009 Apr  5 0230     Unha-2                   -      2                    Kwangmyongsong-2         -                        -                        -         TONGH    -                -        -                    490?     -  -               0.050 KCST         OF   G                        Sat LEO O                Wire                 -                    -
2012-F01       2456030.44 2012 Apr 12 2238:55  Unha-3                   -      3                    Kwangmyongsong-3         -                        -                        -         SOHAE    LC1              -        -                    120?     -  -               0.100 KCST         OF   G                        Sat SSO O                Wire                 -                    -
2012-072       2456273.53 2012 Dec 12 0049:46  Unha-3                   -      4                    Kwangmyongsong-3/F2      KMS-3 Unit 2             -                        -         SOHAE    LC1              -        -                    591      -  -               0.100 KCST         OS   G                        Sat SSO O               -                    -
2016-009       2457425.52 2016 Feb  7 0030:00  Kwangmyongsong           -      5                    Kwangmyongsong-4         KMS-4 Unit 1             -                        -         SOHAE    LC1              -        -                    502      -  -               0.100 NADA         OS   G                        Sat SSO O               -                    -
2016-S25       2457497.90 2016 Apr 19 0933     Simorgh                  -      1 MMS.B001           -                        -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    200?     -  -               0.000 IRSA         TS   -                        Test             -                    -
2017-S112      2457961.90 2017 Jul 27 0930?    Simorgh                  -      2 MBS.B001           Tolou-1                  -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    200?     -  -               0.000 IRSA         TF   -                        Test             -                    -
2019-F01       2458498.52 2019 Jan 15 0030     Simorgh                  -      3                    Payam                    -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    500?     -  -               0.090 IRSA         OF   G                        Sat LEO O        -                    -
2020-F01       2458889.16 2020 Feb  9 1548:14  Simorgh                  -      4 MRS.C001           Zafar                    -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    540      -  -               0.090 IRSA         OF   G                        Sat LEO O        -                    -
2021-F03       2459377.50 2021 Jun 12          Simorgh                  -      5                    Tolou-2?                 -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    500?     -  -               0.090 IRSA         OF   G                        Sat LEO O                private-comm         -                    -
2021-F11       2459578.65 2021 Dec 30 0330     Simorgh                  -      6 UKS.C001           Test satellites          -                        -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                    470      -  -               0.090 IRSA         OF   G                        Sat LEO O               -                    -
2024-018       2460337.50 2024 Jan 28 0004?    Simorgh                  -      7 DRS.C001           Mehda                    Mehda                    -                        -         SEM      IKSC             -        -                      -      -  -               0.042 IRSA         OS   G                        Sat LEO O                TLE                  -